Massage Therapy is the scientific, systematic, manual, or mechanical manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for the purpose of the normalizing those tissues.
Benefits of Massage Theraphy
In massage therapy (a manipulative and body-based practice), body tissues are manipulated to reduce pain, relieve muscle tension, and reduce stress. The therapeutic value of massage for many musculoskeletal symptoms is widely accepted. Massage has been shown to help or relieve symptoms in the following:
Pain (eg, postoperative, chronic, musculoskeletal, end-of-life care, pelvic, labor, burns, in dementia)
Mood disorders (eg, anxiety, depression)
Mood and symptoms in patients with cancer (eg, pain, fatigue, stress, anxiety, lymphatic drainage)
Symptoms in preterm infants (eg, to promote sleep, growth and weight gain, and digestive health)
HIV/AIDS (eg, quality of life, stress, immune function)
Motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson disease